The first October days pleased us with windless solar days off, and the staff of “Management of capital construction of the city of Grodno” also a good fish catch.
The staff of the above-mentioned organization decided to carry out closing of a fishing season on the lake in the village of Kamenka in the form of a competition. From the dawn to the lake there arrived the first fishermen. The active preparation for fishing began: unwinding of rods, top dressing of fish and preparation of other tackles. By 9 in the morning all 20 participants took the places. The mirror carp pecked here or there.
The caught fish at once was weighed and went to skillful hands of the cook. Just caught carp fish soup and the baked fish on a fire was accepted by all on “URA!”.
The warm weather, tasty food, the good company and excellent mood – left at the staff of “Management of capital construction of the city of Grodno” unforgettable impressions!