If you surf through this web page, it means that you surelyare a computer and internet user, which are the newest civilization achievements. On the other hand, every up to date devices still remain such and not more. Just take a minute to consider which things really bring pleasure into your life. If you do not mentionall the swift passing smaller occasions, the list of the remaining things won’t be large. Surely it will consist of an interesting job, one’s intimates, children and hobbies.
The worthful place in the list will be occupied by our beloved pets. They as well become our family parts and nurslings, that understand us, bring joy, pride and broaden our nature understanding horizons.
In the territory of the Fishing and Hunting Lodge Kamenskoje live animals: minks, pheasants, Indian peafowls, wild geese, rabbits, an axis and fallow deer, chiсkens, mute swan, Cameroonian and homemade goat, barbary sheep, mouflon. We have also recently settled Kulan named “Musician”. Mini Zoo is protected by American dog Akita named Steel. Trout is curveting in the pond. Children are mostly keen on spending time near animals’ houses. All guests are always welcomed for excursions around our zoo garden.